Had a nice day at the west side elementary launching model rockets and boost gliders. A little breezy but still fun.I got to the site a little early to assess where best to launch and did have the quad launching system with a new battery so it would fully function. The first time I brought it out to the launch site the rechargeable battery was only generating maybe five volts and not the full 12 volts that is necessary.
It was just me and my son for the rocket launching. There were a few young children and families walking by that were spectators for a few of the rockets that were launched.
I launched three boost glider kits, one two stage rocket (that was under powered)and one old Quest classic kit. The best boost glider that performed well was the Estes Tercel that was launched on an Estes A3-4t 13 millimeter motor. The boost glider caught a nice thermal after liftoff and descended just before it was about to fly past the field and into the residential area.