Noosphere did a terrific job promoting the 2016 WSMC event. This YouTube video highlights some very impressive flights:
Final Days event ended with Scale Model Competition for Senior and Junior Division.

The Individual Senior competitor from the Czech Republic, Jan Sebesta submitted a scale model of the Saturn V . The static scoring points were 516 for static display. He was one point shy in the static scoring against the Ukraine Mykoia Pushkar who entered a scale model of the Zenit 3SL rocket who had a static score of 517. Jan’s Saturn V rocket had a successful first launch that gave him a score of 240 (Total points 756). Mykoia had a DQ on his first attempt. The second flight attempt was successful, however he only

gained 236 points (Total points 753). It was a very very close competition.
Complete results of the days events are here:
Final results of the 2016 FAI S World Championship for Space Models