The weather at the field was very nice and pleasant today. Even though along the the Columbia Gorge waterfront it was really blowing, We had very little wind during the morning launch hours of 9 am to noon.
We had sport flyers and a contest. Myself and Don Buchanan competed and did pretty good since we have not had a contest for a while. I was able to succeed in the B Eggloft duration with two succussful flights and have the egg return from its flight without any damage. I will used that egg in my morning omlette the following day
Glenn Wilson passed his level 2 written test with a score of 100 % and that is awesome. I look forward to seeing him and Don out at the up comming NXRS launch in Brothers which is next weekend.
Thank everyone who made it out and I hope to see you all at a future launch event.
For those interested in Apollo 11 web items, Ben Feist made a great Apollo 11 live as it happens experience of Apollo 11: