The May 14th Launch went nicely

The day of the launch arrived and several people were present at 10 am and was able to get some rockets up into the air.  It was a tad breezy so nothing too big was launched. A few rockets caught some thermals and landed out of the field area, but most of them were successfully recovered.

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May Street Elementary Launch was successful

12717913_1029784437059945_212312772690728808_nToday’s launch was successful. We had almost 24 launches and some spectacular flights. We had a couple of boost glider flights that were successful and also landed high in a tree and on on the school roof. Nobody tried to climb and retrieve them, even though they wanted to but it is wise to have the winds blow them down eventually. It just means the designs worked and we will have to stock up on more balsa wood and body tubes and make some more 😊🚀. Building them is the best part anyway.

The good thing, is later on in the day, the winds were in our favor and the boost glider that was high up in the tree, eventually came down and the flier Dan Peirce was able to get his boosted glider back and prepare it for another launch and I was able to get the second of two boost gliders back as well from the rook safely.  We will make sure to have a ladder and expandable pole that extends to 12 feet the next time for flights just in case.

we hope to see more flighers at the next launch.

Date and location will be announced soon.

Jolly Logic Altimeters and Parachute Release devices

Jolly Logic provides some really neat items for the rocket hobby enthusiast.  They have three kinds of small altimeters that can be placed in the payload section of your model rocket and record some neat and interesting flight perimeters.  The altimeter three can pair up with your smartphone utilizing an application that can be added to your phone.  after a flight, you can pair your phone with it for immediate data and then email it to where you would like to share the data.  They also have a parachute release mechanism that does not require any pyrogen for deployment.

Here is a link to there product site:


Flis kits are fun to build

Big and little lighthouse model rocketsHood River Hobbies carries Flis Kit model rockets and if they do not have a kit your see there, they can special order it for you.  I bought the Nantucket Sound kit from them and had a lot of fun building it. I checked out the Fliskit web site and noticed that they also made a Micro Maxx version, so I bought and built the little light house as well.  Flis Kit models are like the traditional kits that Estes and Century used to make back in the 70s and 80s. I will have to launch the bigger lighthouse at the next launch in March of 2016.

Today ended up nice minus a light breeze

Hood River Rocketry
See you at the next launch on March 5th 2016 at 10 a.m. !

Had a nice day at the west side elementary launching model rockets and boost gliders. A little breezy but still fun.I got to the site a little early to assess where best to launch and did have the quad launching system with a new battery so it would fully function. The first time I brought it out to the launch site the rechargeable battery was only generating maybe five volts and not the full 12 volts that is necessary.
It was just me and my son for the rocket launching. There were a few young children and families walking by that were spectators for a few of the rockets that were launched.
I launched three boost glider kits, one two stage rocket (that was under powered)and one old Quest classic kit. The best boost glider that performed well was the Estes Tercel that was launched on an Estes A3-4t 13 millimeter motor. The boost glider caught a nice thermal after liftoff and descended just before it was about to fly past the field and into the residential area.

Welcome to The Gorge Rocket Club NAR Section 790

Welcome to the Gorge Rocket Club web site. This a newly started rocket club and hope to help promote the hobby within the local area. There are so many fun things to do along the Gorge and hope that this hobby will be fun and educational for all.

The hobby has been around since the 1950’s and is thriving world wide. I will update this web site as much as possible.