Category: Blog Posts
2017 FAI European Championships for Space Models for Seniors and Juniors Wloclawek Poland
Team America Rocketry Challenge 2018 is coming up
Nice Articles from Extreme Rocketry
Before YouTube and other online apps, Earl Cagle from Point 39 Productions made some of the best High Powered Rocket videos around.
Extreme Rocketry did an interview with him that I though was worth sharing:
Earl Cagle Jr Interview by Extreme Rocketry
Part 1:
Part 2:
Here is one about the creator of Aerotech too:
Gary Rosenfield Interview 2000 by Extreme Rocketry
Frank Kosdon passed away several years ago. He was a very unique person and created some amazing motors. Some reload motors are still available through Aerotech:
Utilizing Electronics (Altimeters and Telemetry for Tracking)
When you start to achieve high altitudes with your rocket projects, it is always a good idea to included a dual deployment altimeter and a telemetry tracking devices from company’s like the following:
Rockets Rockets and more Rockets :-)
The hobby of rocketry is going strong and the only limit is the limit of your imagination:-)
Safety is always paramount and a priority with every club launch activity.
Apogee Rockets Newsletters
The Apogee Rocket Company provides great articles that are valuable to read for the novice and experienced. I always learn new things reading them:
Rocket STEM
Rocket Stem activities:
Great Movies to Watch Or Purchase for the Space Enthusiasts
Here are two great movies to watch for the armchair astronaut:
Orphans of Apollo
Fight For Space:
Short launch day due to weather
The latest launch day was rather short due to scattered wind and showers. We did get about seven launches off the ground before we had to pack it up: