Today was a great Launch 🚀🪂👍

The launch day today turned out really well. We had club members and participants from the Hood River Hobby rocketry build and students from Camas Highschool involved in the NASA Student Launch Challenge work on their sub-subscale launch and Frank Burke from Dynasoarrocketry bring out some great R/C rocket gliders that are always impressive. Every rocket launched was recovered without issue. It was a little muddy, however it did not stop with the steady launching and great recovery of each person’s rocket.

Hopefully February is a little less wet.


Successful NASA SL attempt

Under the hectic topsy turby weather, we had a narrow window of opportunity and it paid off. The Camas Highschool rocket team had a successful subscale launch. The rocket was stable and the electronics worked on recovery. We had winds that fluctuated from 5-16mph. It was launched at 12 pm which was perfect timing. By 1pm the weather changed and all was packed up.

The Camas crew and mentors.

Orion safe splash down 👍🪂

Orion Success!!!

Well eventhough we had to scrub the Goldendale launch today, I hope people were able to watch the live footage of Orions safe landing in the pacific ocean. The USS Portland is standing by to recover the capsule after the allotted wait time the capsule floats in the ocean for sea worthiness.

All parachutes deployed as expected 👏
Splashdown !

NASA live link:

NASA live

Cold, however perfect weather for a launch

16 degrees in the morning “Brrrrr”.

It did however warm up and we had perfect launches and R/C boost glider activity. Frank Burke from Dynasoar Rocketry did not disappoint. The X-15, Moon Raker Shuttle, SST, Colonial Viper, and Avro Vulcan were launched and landed with style.

Estes Super Big Berthas were present. A drag race by two were in dead heat. After two picture perfect launches and recoveries it was a tie.

Super Big Berthas ready for launch!

test your space history knowledge at:

Goldendale Burn Ban in effect from June 1st to September 30th, 2022.

The burn ban is now in effect for the Goldendale site from 1 June to September 30th. We will have have launches again for that location beginning in October 2022 and up to Spring of 2023. Once the dates have been approved by the landowner they will be posted.

here is a link to the notice and a map of the zone area in effect for situational awareness: