Goldendale Launch **a Go**
Goldendale 389 Wing Road, Goldendale, WA, United StatesLaunch is still a go. The notam is LTJ 11/003 Weather is still spotty and will continue to monitor:,-120.845,8
Rocketry is a fun and educational hobby!
Launch is still a go. The notam is LTJ 11/003 Weather is still spotty and will continue to monitor:,-120.845,8
Motor impulse allowed at the field is from 1/4 A, up to G impulse when winds are very low. The exact Google map coordinates are: 45°38'14.1"N 121°33'32.9"W
Motor impulse allowed at the field is from 1/4 A, up to G impulse when winds are very low. The exact Google map coordinates are: 45°38'14.1"N 121°33'32.9"W
Unfortunately, this event is scrubbed due to weather: Weather Forecast not in our favor this weekend :-(
14k FAA waiver.
14k FAA waiver.
Model Rocket Launch. Location: 45.637328 N 121.559173 W
14k AGL. The landowner approved of allowing the schedule change date for the launch to 20th of March. I will have the 27th of March set as a backup day since some academic teams are on a time and date crunch to have more flights before April 4th. We monitor,-120.845, for wind and weather … Continue reading "Goldendale Launch"
It's starting to forecast a little better weather for tomorrow: Partly sunny with winds in the low at 12-16 mph and the high at times up to 34mph. Temps low at 22 and high of 42,-120.845,8 14k FAA waiver.
Model Rocket Launch. Location: 45.637328 N 121.559173 W